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Pasco Donates UV Module to Sterilize Medical Masks


PASCO Systems Corporation, a Maplewood, MO. manufacturer of industrial robotic and mechanical handling systems recently designed and donated a module to decontaminate N95 medical masks for the Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital. The unit comprises a 20 x 8-foot trailer modified with aluminum panels on the interior walls and fitted with 30 UV-C bulbs.  Medical masks are arrayed on hooks to be decontaminated and up to 180 units can be sanitized in ten minutes.  Ultimately masks from six other St. Louis area hospitals will be processed in the module at a rate of 1,000 per day. The application of UV technology to decontaminate medical masks for re-use has been validated by the NIH along with a moist hydrogen peroxide systems.


The project involving both design and construction was undertaken by PASCO, a family-owned business specializing in robotic packaging and handling systems, approaching its half-century since founding.  PASCO Chief Operating Officer, Jim Nardulli initiated the project after discussion with an emergency physician at the Cardinal Glennon Hospital.  PASCO was able to source thirty UV bulbs with the correct energy output and spectrum specifications and fabricated the module with hooks and other accessories.  The project went from conception to delivery in four weeks with all fifty-five of the company's team involved.  Nardulli noted "everybody really felt like they were doing something for the community, given everything the world is going through it was good to have something to dig into". 


Dr. Matt Broom, Chief Medical Officer for Cardinal Glennon and the St. Louis University Hospital commended PASCO for their donation stating, "with the strain on obtaining N95 masks throughout the country now we are able to safely reuse these masks and preserve our supply".


PASCO demonstrated their robotic egg packer and pallet stackers at the 2020 IPPE. The Company can adapt existing robotic handling installations as supplied to a range of U.S. industries to reduce labor requirements in egg packing and chicken processing plants.