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ADM Reports Q3 Results


On October 29, the Archer-Daniels Midland Company (ADM) reported on the third quarter of fiscal 2020 ending September 30th.


For the period, the company posted net earnings of $225 million on sales of $15,126 million with an EPS of $0.40.  Comparable values for the third quarter of fiscal 2019 were net earnings of $407 million on revenue of $16,726 million with an            EPS of $0.72.


In commenting on results, Chairman and CEO, Juan Luciano commented, “We delivered an outstanding quarter and I am proud of our teams continued great performance.”  He added, “Our strategic initiatives, combined with exceptional execution are driving strong results across all of our businesses.  Nutrition continues it’s impressive upwards trajectory, delivering a fifth consecutive quarter of 20-plus percent year-over-year operating profit growth.”


ADM posted total assets of $31, 099 million with long term debt of $7,924 million.  ADM has a market capitalization of $27.86 billion.  The company has traded over the past 52-weeks in a range of $28.92 to $52.05 with a 50-day moving average of $48.38.

The company posted a trailing 12 month operating margin of 2.6 percent and a profit margin of 2.5 percent.  Return on assets and equity amounted to 2.4 percent and 8.3 percent respectively.