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Walmart Reopening Four Chicago Supercenters With Upgrades


Following temporary closure due to civil unrest, Walmart has announced reopening of four Supercenters with two in the Chatham and Austin areas of Chicago.  Two of the refurbished locations include upgraded Walmart health centers as part of the company commitment to the communities in which they are located.  Walmart academies will also be incorporated into the four Supercenters in the Chicago area to offer training for associates. Upgrades to the four stores include installations that reduce the probability of transmission of COVID-19 including expanded pickup and delivery options and contactless checkout.

Vandalized and Looted Walmart Store


The Walmart Health locations in two of the Supercenters provide primary care, x-ray and diagnostics, counseling, dental and hearing services with transparent pricing. Marcus Osborne, Senior Vice-president of Walmart Health stated, “We are committed to making healthcare more affordable and accessible for customers in the communities we serve. He added, “We think we can make an impactful difference and look forward to continue to learn how best to deliver the integrated quality care customers want and deserve.” Walmart is upgrading community involvement and actively soliciting comments and suggestions from customers in their areas of operation. The stores are collectively donating $80,000 to local churches and child-care centers.