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Gwen Venable to be Chair of Exhibitions and Events Association


Gwen Venable, Vice President of Communications for USPOULTY has been named as the 2021 Chair for the Southeastern Chapter of the International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE).


John Starkey, President of USPOULTRY stated, "as a long-time member of the Atlanta hospitality community, we are excited to have Gwen continue to serve the IAEE Southeastern Chapter as their Chair". 


Gwen holds a certificate in Exhibition Management, a globally recognized designation demonstrating high professional standards.  She is responsible for the communications, public relations and marketing aspects of the USPOULTRY International Poultry Expo, a component of the IPPE, sponsored jointly by USPOULTRY, The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) and the North American Meat Institute (NAMI).


The IAEE Southeastern Chapter serves the Carolinas, Georgia, Florida, Alabama and Mississippi.  The Chapter delivers services and activities intended to improve the professional development of members.