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USPOULTRY Foundation Approves Research Grants


The USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation have approved $320,000 in research grants for five projects representing priority areas among the major segments of the industry.


Projects include:


  • Utilizing Dry Hydrogen Peroxide as a Replacement for Formaldehyde in Commercial Poultry Hatcheries – University of Georgia with support from Fieldale Farms


Greg Hinton President USPOULTRY
  • Identification of Early Indicators of Necrotic Enteritis Disease Development in Broiler Chickens – North Carolina State University Case Farms


  • How Does Laying Hens’ Visual Perception Affect Resource Usage in Cage-Free Housing –   Purdue University with a gift from MPS Egg Farms


  • Realistic Multi-Species Challenge Model to Evaluate Treatment Methods Able to Prevent Colonization of Pathogenic Bacteria in the Hatching Environment – University of Arkansas with funding from George’s Inc


  • Development of mRNA-Based Vaccines for Protection Against Avian Infectious Bronchitis Viruses and Infectious Laryngotracheitis – USDA ARS SEA USNPRC with a gift from Sanderson


Chairman of USPOULTRY, Greg Hinton of Rose Acre Farms stated, “Research continues to be an important aspect of USPOULTRY's and the Foundation’s service to the poultry industry.”  He expressed appreciation for the time and commitment of the Research Advisory Committee that reviewed competitive applications for grants.  Since the early 1960’s, USPOULTRY has supplied more than $33 million as research grants to more than fifty universities, federal and state facilities.