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Whole Foods Market Plans Forty New Stores

Whole Foods Market recently unveiled a long-range plan calling for 40 new stores.  In 2020, two openings included an online-only location in Brooklyn, N.Y., and an Ideal market in Denver, CO.  In 2020, Whole Foods Market launched 950 new local brands, 10,000 local items and 650 new exclusive brands.



Whole Foods Market will merge global and regional merchandising teams to centralize purchasing.  The company will focus on software and technical product development at the managerial level.

It is yet to be determined how Amazon intends to integrate Whole Foods Market with other segments to achieve a broad entry into retail food marketing.  Amazon has established their own branded stores. To outside observers it appears that Amazon Fresh and Amazon Go in various iterations are at the expense of Whole Foods Market.  Consolidating merchandising would appear to be counter to the Whole Foods policy of local sourcing and promotion. It is questioned whether the vision of John Mackey has any influence on Amazon strategy and direction in food retail.