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Research Facility in India Reports H5N1 Avian Influenza


An outbreak of H5N1 avian influenza was diagnosed in a State of Bihar Research Center located in Patna.  The facility housed approximately 4,000 chickens that were depleted following mortality of approximately 25 percent of the flock.


It has been long suspected that outbreaks of avian influenza have been deliberately misdiagnosed and are not reported to the World Organization of Health.  In this case, mortality commenced on January 18th but the report was delayed until February 16th 2022. 


There have been numerous reports of H5N1 avian influenza in free-living birds in India during recent months.  Given the low standards of biosecurity in almost all production facilities it is questioned why there are so few reports of HPAI to the World Organization of Animal Health.  A similar situation exists in some eastern European nations where reports are confined in general to free-living birds and backyard flocks with suspiciously few commercial units.