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U.S. Truckers Convoy Protest a Wet Squib


Following the dispersal of the Canadian trucker’s protests that blocked border crossings and created gridlock in Toronto and Ottawa, it was feared that a similar protest would developed in the U.S. The Canadian protest collapsed in the face of belatedly strong government action, warning truckers of fines, impoundment of vehicles, cancellation of insurance and licenses and rising public opposition.


In the U.S. a number of groups proposed similar protests with convoys commencing in California and converging in Washington DC gaining support on the way similar to the Bonus Marches during the Great Depression and the crusades of the Middle Ages.  As with the Canadian protests, it appeared that funding and motivation as evident from the internet was motivated by extreme right wing movements some with connections to the January 6th 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol.


Organizers had expected “tens of thousands to join in” resulting in appropriate preparations including deployment of National Guard troops to react to convoys and to control violence and obstruction of traffic.


A large number of truckers converged on an area near Washington D.C. during the first weekend of the month without either incident or disruption of traffic and then returned to their home states.