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American Egg Board Presents 45th Annual First Lady’s Commemorative Egg


The American Egg Board unveiled the 2022 First Lady’s Commemorative Egg on April 16th in advance of the Easter Monday egg roll.  As a tribute to First Lady Dr. Jill Biden, education was the theme of the 2022 Commemorative Egg.  The American Egg Board noted “It is a privilege for America’s egg farmers to continue the 45-year legacy of gifting the handcrafted Commemorative Egg as a tribute to our Nation’s First Ladies and recognizing causes that they promote.”


Emily Metz, president and CEO of the American Egg Board, noted “Eggs are an essential part of Easter and Passover celebrations, not just in our homes and with our families but at the White House too.”


The 2022 First Lady’s Commemorative Egg will join the display of eggs previously presented by the AEB that will be featured in the East Colonade during the Easter Egg Roll.


U.S. egg farmers have donated 90 million eggs since Easter 2021 to food banks, doubling the volume from the previous years.  More than 100,000 eggs will be donated to the egg roll and hunt.  During the event, egg salad sliders and blueberry swirl cheesecake will be served along with other activities organized by the American Egg Board.