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Hepatitis A Outbreak Attributed To Organic Strawberries


Egg-NewsOrganic strawberries branded as FreshKampo and HEB grown in Mexico have been implicated by the FDA in an outbreak of Hepatitis A. Product was marketed in a number of chains including Aldi, Safeway, Trader Joe’s and Walmart.  Potentially affected product was packed between March 5th and April 25th and is presumably no longer in refrigerators.  Cases have been reported from numerous U.S. states and provinces in Canada.  At this time, 12 out of 17 cases have been hospitalized with liver damage, especially in the elderly or those with a predisposing liver disease.


Egg-NewsThis outbreak confirms that the USDA organic seal does not imply freedom from either viral or bacterial pathogens. Organic produce is cultivated according to rules established by the Organic Standards Board and are grown without application of artificial fertilizer or pesticides. There are no commercial GM cultivars of strawberries available so all strawberries are non-GMO.  Since product from the plant of origin is no longer available all strawberries, whether organic or conventional, can be purchased and consumed with the usual precautions concerning handling and storage. Incident cases of hepatitis will be diagnosed in succeeding weeks since the infection has a prolonged incubation period.