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California Reports Increased Number Of Dry Wells


The Dry-Well Reporting System of the California Department of Water Affairs has recorded a 70 percent increase in the number of dry wells over the last 30 days compared to July 2021.  During the past 30 days 227 dry wells were reported with 854 tallied over the previous 365 days.  During the past 30 days, only 24 ‘interim solutions’ were reported.  These include repair, replacement or sinking wells deeper to reach ground water.  In some cases, residents are using bottled water or hauling water to storage tanks. 


The majority of dry wells were reported from Tulare, Merced, Fresno, Tehama and Madera counties.  Kern County, location of a large inline complex, reported three dry wells in 30 days placing the County among the least affected.  In contrast, Fresno County, with egg, broiler and turkey facilities, reported 58 dry wells.