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Omicron Booster Vaccination Has Few Takers


Recent data suggests that only four percent of those eligible have received a COVID Omicron strain booster.  Enhancing immunity to COVID and especially, the predominant Omicron strain, with BA.5 responsible for 82 percent of incident cases, will be necessary to protect the U.S. population before winter. Levels of immunity from previous vaccinations or exposure are waning and it is expected that colder weather will bring closer contact among populations. 


Regrettably a quarter of our fellow citizens have not received any COVID vaccination. The reasons for low uptake, possibly, relate to a perception that “COVID is over”, reflecting a verbal gaffe by the President. Admittedly the incidence rate has declined to 44,000 diagnosed cases daily over the past week with 330 fatalities on October 4th. This Administration has clearly failed to communicate the need to continue with vaccination to protect against severe clinical outcomes, leading to hospitalization, admission to ICU and even death.


The Kaiser Family Foundation ascertained a high level of indifference to the Omicron booster in surveys, attributed to inadequate and inappropriate publicity.  The Foundation determined that 51 percent of adults questioned have heard little or nothing concerning the booster.  Almost half are unsure whether they are eligible and one third of those that would benefit from the vaccination have expressed a determination not to receive the vaccine, with a noteworthy difference attributed to political affiliation.

It is hoped that the Administration, state health agencies and professional medical organizations will be more forceful in encouraging widespread vaccination against both COVID and seasonal influenza in anticipation of Winter.