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Cost of Proposed Ban by Mexico on GMO Corn


If the Presidential Decree banning GMO corn for human consumption takes effect in 2024, both Mexican consumers and U.S. producers would be severely affected. An economic study by World Perspectives, Inc. quantified the potential loss to the U.S. corn industry at $3.6 billion over a ten-year period.  This figure comprises losses relating to ethanol of $521 million after considering lower corn prices. Over the ten-year period, the ban on GMO corn for human consumption in Mexico would add 20 percent to the cost to consumers in Mexico.  If extended to a ban on GMO corn for livestock, feed would increase by 14 percent but this appears exceptionally low relative to U.S. prices for non-GMO grains. The price of poultry meat could rise by 67 percent over present values.


The Presidential Decree also discriminates against the use of glyphosate based on mischievous hype and inappropriate interpretation of available data.


It is hoped that reason will prevail and that both the scientific community and agricultural economists in both the U.S. and Mexico will be able to moderate the misinformed intentions of  President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. (‘AMLO’)