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EPA Required to Respond to Petition Over CAFOs


Food and Water Watch and kindred activists' environmental organizations filed a petition in May 2017 regarding point source pollution emanating from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs).  In addition, the petitioners requested details on how EPA would limit discharges. In a filing with the Ninth Circuit on October 11th, the petitioners requested a writ of mandamus to compel the EPA to respond to the original petition within 90 days.


A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that the petition "raised the issues and warrant an answer issuing a Writ compelling the EPA to respond.


Concerted action by environmental activists' groups will evoke some action by the EPA after four years of stonewalling, ignoring the petition.  It is certain that operators of CAFOs who are contravening environmental regulations will be identified and compelled to cease contamination and comply with the Clean Water Act.


Initially, cattle feeding operations and a number of hog farms with lagoons will be placed under scrutiny.  Operators of egg production units with obvious problems relating to release of effluent are advised to apply corrective measures.