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Congress Intervenes to Avert Rail Strike


On Wednesday 30th November the House passed a Bill by a margin of 290 to 137 enforcing adoption of the tentative agreement between twelve unions and rail operators but assigning 7 days of paid sick leave anually. This action is in accordance with legislation enacted in 1926.  Approval of the Bill in the Senate occurred on Thursday December 1st (80-15), but without the sick-leave provision. Since the President called for Congress to take action the bill will be signed into law, averting a strike set for December 10th.


Congressional action follows representations by most agricultural producer associations, the American Trucking Association and by numerous industrial and retail groups.


President Biden characterized a potential strike as “devastating”, given the volume of product that is carried by rail. Economists estimated a potential loss of $2 billion per day to the economy in the event of a rail shutdown.