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USPOULTRY Offers Bus Service to IPPE for Field Personnel and Contractors


In a December 5th announcement, USPOULTRY announced that a free bus service would be provided by arrangement for company employees and contractors involved in either production or processing to attend the 2023 International Production and Processing Expo (IPPE).  It is planned for buses to collect employees and growers at locations selected by their companies to facilitate a one-day visit to the Expo.  Transport will be provided for up to a three hours drive from the World Conference Center. 


The IPPE show Co-organizers (American Meat Institute, American Feed Industry Association and USPOULTRY) stated, “We encourage company managers to take advantage of the free IPPE bus program.  This makes it convenient and simple for their employees and growers to attend the Expo at no cost.”  This is a unique opportunity to see and experience the current and future innovations in meat, poultry and egg and animal food production and processing in addition to the free education programs and New Product Showcase”.


The 2023 IPPE will be held January 24th through January 26th and is expected to attract 28,000 attendees.


Given the prevalence of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in the U.S and worldwide, it is strongly recommended that farm visits arranged by exhibitors for both domestic and international customers should not take place if individuals have been in contact with poultry within four days or are visiting from endemic areas.  Visits to processing plants would be associated with a lower probability of introduction of infection compared to hatcheries and farms. Given the consequences of an outbreak of HPAI in a complex, visits are contraindicated in 2022.