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U.S. Sales of E-15 Blend Increasing


According to the Renewable Fuels Association, sales of E-15 blend attained 1.02 billion gallons in 2022.  This compares with 400 million gallons sold in 2018 with the increase attributed to greater availability. Over the past four years, the number of stations dispensing E-15 has increased from 1,000 to 2,500.  The increase in volume of sale of the higher blend increased ethanol uptake from 43 million gallons in 2018 to 154 million gallons in 2022.


A wavier on restrictions allowed sale of E-15 through the summer of 2022. The Renewable Fuels Association is lobbying for national year-round E-15 and currently Congress is reviewing legislation that would extend availability. The restrictions placed by the EPA on blends higher than E-10 relates to volatility of gasoline over months when it is necessary to reduce thre ozone content of the atmosphere.


The Renewable Fuel Association points to low inventories of crude oil and petroleum products that are approximately six percent below levels in April 2022 and concurrently with the lowest level for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in 40 years.