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California Department of Food and Agriculture Providing Guidance on Proposition #12 Compliance


In a mid-June program, the California Department of Food and Agriculture presented a webinar to guide members of the North American Meat Institute on the requirements of regulations issued in terms of Proposition #12.  The webinar included contributions by Dr. Elizabeth Cox, Leader of the Animal Care Program and Dr. Annette Jones, Director of Animal Health and Food Safety Services for the CDFA.  Important aspects related to the housing of sows to provide a minimum of 24 square foot of usable floor space per animal during gestation.  The webinar also included instruction on the cycling of gilts during the first gestation.


Regulations imposed by the CDFA relate to pork products including whole cuts of raw pork, but excludes ground or comminuted presentations and derived products including pizza, soups, sandwiches and ready-to-eat food items.


Distributors selling pork in California must select an approved auditor to assess compliance and certify the distribution operation.