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Maine Haddock Harvest to be Reduced by 85 Percent


According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, overfishing in the Gulf of Maine has reduced the population of wild haddock that has been overfished.  Commencing May 1st, catch quotas were reduced by 85 percent for the current season.  Annual catches range from 12 to 24 million pounds compared to over 150 million lbs. during the 1950’s.  The situation along the northern U.S. Atlantic coast is paralleled in reductions by other nations including Norway that exports to the U.S.


Marine fish are a declining protein resource.  Mariculture using pens has created environmental problems suggesting reliance on land-based aquaculture albeit at a high capital cost.


Intensive production of chicken  and eggs will be able to supply protein to consumers at a lower cost, more consistently and with less environmental impact than mariculture or relying on depleted marine supplies.