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USPA Live Production, Welfare and Biosecurity Seminar


The 2023 Live Production Welfare Biosecurity Seminar organized jointly by the National Chicken Council, the National Turkey Federation and United Egg Producers and USPOULTRY will take place September 20-21st at the DoubleTree by Hilton Downtown in Nashville, TN.


Travis Strickland, Live Production Manager for Farbest Farms noted, "environmental threats, disease management and the welfare of our birds is an ongoing priority for those involved in live production.  Seminar attendees will come away with the latest information, resources, tools and best practices to make informed decisions on managing their operations and protecting the health and welfare of their flocks".


Topics to be included in the seminar will include welfare, biosecurity, water sanitation, antimicrobial stewardship, and emerging technology.  Speakers will include representatives from industry, flock health and academia. 


Additional information is available on <>.