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Philippines to Deploy Vaccines Against Avian Influenza


According to official statements, the Philippines will introduce vaccination in an attempt to control highly pathogenic avian influenza.  The nation will purchase vaccine from PT Vaksindo Satwa Nusantara of Indonesia.


Ferdinand Martin Romualdez, spokesperson for the Presidential Communications Office, stated, “The early delivery of vaccine could spur the revitalization of our country’s poultry industry which has faced serious challenges due to the continuing threat of avian influenza.”


Following the depopulation of ten million hens, the nation has experienced a shortage of eggs with a proportional rise of 26 percent in market price.


The need for vaccine is recognized by President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr., who met with potential suppliers during the recent 43rd ACEAN Summit in Jakarta.


The government intends funding an Institute of Virology and Vaccinology for the Philippines to conduct research and produce diagnostic kits and vaccines for human, animal and plant infections.