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Pesticide Residue Assays


According to Steven Rogers, Chemistry Manager, Certified Laboratories pesticide residues should be a concern of all food producers. He summarizes the approach to establishing a surveillance program for pesticide residues on the following considerations:- 

  • Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) define allowable pesticide concentrations in food, aligned with national and international safety standards. 
  • In the U.S., FDA and USDA enforce pesticide regulations in coordination with the EPA; non-compliance risks legal action and market exclusion. 
  • The USDA provides a Pesticide MRL Database to check specific pesticide limits by commodity, available online with both free and premium options. 
  • Pesticide residue testing labs use a combination of advanced techniques for comprehensive pesticide residue analysis, including GC-FPD, LC-MS/MS, and GC-MS/MS. FSNS/Certified Laboratories is equipped with a full range of analytical equipment.
  • When choosing a testing laboratory, it is important to establish ISO17025 accreditation, and the expertise, technology, and customer service provided.