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Walmart Plans Third Milk Plant for Texas


Walmart Inc. has announced a milk processing plant in Robinson, TX scheduled to open in 2026.  This plant will follow the 2018 facility in Fort Wayne, IN and will reflect the design of the previously announced plant to be located in Valdosta, GA.  Both the planned plants will cost approximately $350 million.


Bruce Heckman, Vice-president of manufacturing at Walmart stated, “This new facility continues our commitment to building a more resilient and transparent supply chain and ensuring that our customer’s needs are met for this everyday staple.  Products to be processed in the Texas facility will be distributed to approximately 750 Walmart stores in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas and Mississippi.  Milk will be marketed under the Walmart Great Value brand and for Sam’s Club under the Member’s Mark brand.


Proposed Walmart Milk Plant

 The fact Walmart has invested close to $1 billion in milk processing to stabilize their supply chain suggest that the Company might be interested in integrating backwards into egg production either through a joint venture or acquisition of an existing large producer. Establishing a series of egg complexes by Walmart is considered unlikely despite the investment by Costco in Lincoln Premium Poultry for rotisserie broiler production.