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Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. Completes Acquisition of Dexter Complex


Dexter MO Plant to be re-puposed by Cal-Maine Foods

On March 14th Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. announced completion of the previously announced acquisition of a complex comprising a broiler processing plant, hatchery and feed mill in Dexter, MO, closed by Tyson Foods, Inc. in 2023. The Company plans to repurpose the facilities to produce and pack shell eggs and egg products.


Sherman Miller, president and CEO stated, “We are pleased to join the Dexter community and are excited about the opportunities to expand our operations”. He added “We intend to partner with the existing strong network of local contract growers who can support our shell egg production”.


In commenting on the benefits of the transaction Miller stated “Dexter, MO. has a central geographic location and the strong work force will enhance our supply and distribution capacity for customers in Missouri and surrounding markets. Importantly, we will also benefit from closer proximity to sources for our primary feed ingredients.

He concluded “We look forward to the new production opportunities, including the potential for additional free-range capacity, in this new community and market for Cal-Maine Foods.”


Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. is the largest producer and distributor of fresh shell eggs in the United States and marketing in states across the southwestern, southeastern, mid-western and mid-Atlantic regions of the United States.