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Hardee’s Franchisee in NC. Invests in Upgrades


Boddie-Noell, a family-owned franchisee of Hardee’s has announced an investment of over $20 million in new restaurants and upgrades for their 72 restaurants in the North Carolina, Greater Triangle region.


Concurrently, the company will be offering the Hardee’s new menu selections featuring chicken tenders.



Mike Boddie, president of the Company noted, “this is our home market, and it includes the most restaurants of any region where we operate.  We are showing our commitment by introducing the new Hand-Breaded Chicken Tenders™ Platters and fries.  Over a 62-year association with Hardee’s, Boddie-Noell has innovated Made from Scratch ™ Breakfast Biscuits, Fresh Fried Chicken and Hand-Breaded Chicken Tenders.