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Gi-Ovo Supplies a Wider Range of Pallets


The 1,200x 800 series of Gi-Ovo plastic pallets are available in either virgin or recycled Material.  The light configuration is intended for one-time use, prncipally for export.  The heavy duty pallet is designed for durability and extended life. 


For the 1,200 by 1,000 series, heavy duty pallets are available with either open or closed decks.


Plastic pallets are recommended to attain a high level of biosecurity, which cannot be achieved with wooden pallets. To obtain optimal benefit in suppressing infections such as coryza, pallets should be decontaminated using compatible commercial washing equipment as manufactured by Kuhl Corporation.


Details on Gi-Ovo pallets and Kuhl washers can be downloaded by clicking on to the respective company logos on the right side of the Welcome page.

Kuhl washer with EggsCargo System Pallet from Gi-Ovo

1000 Closed Deck

1000 Open Deck