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Causes of “Quick Quitting”


SkyNova recently issued a report on a survey of employees and their employers following resignations characterized as “quick quitting”.  A survey of 500 workers revealed that renumeration was an important consideration in the decision to terminate employment within a year.  Insufficient pay was cited by 54 percent of the respondents coupled with 47 percent noting inadequate benefits including paid time off.  Non-monetary issues including a toxic work environment (47 percent), lack of communication (27 percent) and poor company culture (17 percent) were also cited as causes for resignation. The survey showed that 57 percent of those who terminated employment prematurely asked for a raise or discussed grievances with a manager or supervisor and requested better benefits. Those leaving employment generally landed on their feet with more than half raising their incomes and fringe benefits.


The report notes that there is an evident disconnect between the needs of workers and the policies imposed by some employers.  Offering options such as hybrid work, additional paid time off and health insurance are applicable to white-collar workers. These are unfortunately not viable incentives for those obliged to work on a production line or against the clock.