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Pirbright Institute Develops Novel Approach to IB Vaccines


A research team at the U.K. Pirbright Institute has demonstrated a novel approach to a vaccine against avian infectious bronchitis (AIB).  Applying reverse genetics, it was possible to incorporate a heterologous spike gene from a non-pathogenic Beaudette strain of infectious bronchitis virus into a field strain (M41) prevalent in the E.U.  The recombinant designated M41K-BEAU(S) is naturally attenuated but can replicate in Vero cells.  This approach makes it possible to manufacture an AIB vaccine at a lower cost and in greater quantity than using conventional chick embryo propagation required for current commercially available vaccines.

Dr. Erica Bickerton leader of the coronavirus research team at the Pirbright Institute stated, “This research opens opportunities to create novel, innovative vaccines that could be effective against many strains of AIB and potentially reveal ways to create vaccines for other viruses in the coronavirus family.”