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Eggland's Best Partners with the American Heart Association to Promote Healthy Home Cooking


Eggland's Best and the American Heart Association are promoting Richard Blais, a prominent cookbook author and television personality to encourage home cooking.


Chief Medical Officer for Prevention at the American Heart Association Dr. Eduardo Sanchez stated, "with people spending more time at home this summer there is a great opportunity to build healthier eating habits by cooking nutritious meals together".  He added, "we are excited to work with Eggland's Best once again to help families learn how to eat smart and build better nutrition habits".


Chef Richard Blais said, "I am proud to be teaming up with the American Heart Association to show families how to put a healthier spin on the classic comfort food recipes that we all know and love". 


In commenting on the support of Eggland's Best, CEO of the Eggland’s Best cooperative, Charlie Lanktree stated, "Eggland's Best is thrilled to be joining forces with the American Heart Association for the third year in a row to highlight the importance of incorporating nutritious food into family meals.