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American Egg Board Introduces "The Gift of Eggs" Video Spots


Emily Metz

Applying both fact and humor, the American Egg Board has devised a seasonal promotional approach with two spots elevating the value of eggs and emphasizing their intrinsic and nutritional value.


Emily Metz, President and CEO of the AEB stated, "food is ever important during the holidays and we expect to be much more so this year as families look for ways to celebrate under challenging circumstances".  She added, "we wanted to give people a laugh because we could all use a little extra cheer this year".

The AEB has developed two fifteen-second spots.  The first satirizes the Lexus Christmas gift new-car advertisement screened through November. The AEB version depicts a carton of eggs emblazoned with a large bow in the driveway.  The second spot entitled satirizes a marriage proposal with an egg in place of a diamond ring.


It is considered both topical and impactful for AEB to have developed these innovative 15-second spots that will certainly elevate the image of eggs and emphasize their central role in family-oriented Christmas celebrations. The humor both uplifts and stimulates retention of the message.


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