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TreeHouse Under Pressure from Jana Investment Group


In a February 10th filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Jana Investments declared a significant equity position in TreeHouse Foods.  Jana is an active investor previously involved in motivating the sale of Pinnacle Foods to Conagra Brands in 2018. The Company was apparently also involved in initiating the sale of Whole Foods Market to


After discussions with the management of TreeHouse Foods Jana has expressed confidence in the company but requires enhanced stockholder value.  Jana has nominated three potential directors for the TreeHouse Board with six of the twelve members ending their respective terms of office.


TreeHouse Foods manufactures a wide range of food products for retail grocery, warehouse and club stores and for E-commerce.  The company operates 40 production facilities across the U.S., Canada, and in Italy.  TreeHouse Foods emphasizes R&D to develop products and packaging appropriate to the needs of clients with a stong commitment to food safety.  Private-label foods and beverages include 29 categories including organic products.