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Certified Group and FSNS Appoint President for Food and Beverage


Certified Group and subsidiary company Food Safety Net Services have announced the appointment of Justin Malvick as President, Food and Beverage.  In this role he will be responsible for developing strategy and guiding the business unit.


Justin has held leadership positions at JBS S.A., Pilgrim’s Pride, Keystone Foods, and Wayne Farms over a 23-year career in the food industry.  Justin earned a B.S. degree from the University of Minnesota.


John Bellinger, CEO of Certified Group and FSNS, stated “We are pleased to have Justin join our executive team with his track record of driving top and bottom line revenue, innovative growth strategies and coaching high performance teams.”


Certified Group is a leading provider of testing and regulatory consulting services.  The Certified Group includes Certified Laboratories, FSNS, Labstat, and MicroQuality Laboratories providing services for the food, supplements, cosmetic and nicotine industries.