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Producers’ Associations Support EPA Over CAFOs


This past week, associations representing commodity groups filed briefs supporting the EPA.  They included the National Pork Producers Council, American Farm Bureau Federation, USPOULTRY and United Egg Producers. This unusual situation results from litigation over Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)


A number of environmental advocacy groups including Food and Water Watch, Center for Food Safety and the Center for Biological Diversity have sued the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over alleged lack of enforcement of regulations relating to emissions and pollution allegedly generated by CAFOs.  The EPA responded to the February filing by the various environmental groups with a May response justifying their position and rejecting suggested reforms.  The Agency requires more time (don’t they all!) before framing new regulations.


Environmental activists find common cause with opponents of intensive livestock production intent on restricting efficient production of food, irrespective of the consequences on supply and cost. Action by these groups generates publicity, assists in their national fundraising and imposes additional effort and legal costs on livestock producers ultimately passed on to consumers and shareholders.