Avian Influenza in Canada


According to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, as of mid-December 2024, there have been 422 cases of flock infection since the beginning of the 2022 epornitic.  There are 83 farms currently undergoing or have recently completed depopulation or decontamination.  Of the provinces affected, British Columbia ranks first with 158 cases or 37.4 percent of the total followed by neighboring Alberta with 82 cases (19.4 percent).  These two provinces have depopulated 8.3 and 2.0 million birds respectively.  Quebec has recorded 54 cases with 1.4 million commercial poultry depopulated and with four recent outbreaks.


Among the five provinces reporting HPAI since the onset of the epornitic, 13.9 million commercial poultry have been depopulated affecting the supply of poultry products and resulting in an escalation in the price eggs and poultry meat on a regional basis, as in the U.S.  British Columbia is the province most impacted due to its location on the Pacific flyway, in contrast to the Maritime Provinces on the Atlantic flyway with less evidence of shedding by migratory waterfowl and marine birds at this time.
